The St. Jude Knights of Columbus Council No. 6440 recently held its installation of officers ceremony for 2023-24 year at the Sand Springs Country Club in Drums The St. Jude Council celebrated its 50th anniversary serving the Mountain Top community last year. Elected as officers for 2023-24 are: Mark Rongone, Grand Knight; Mark Shade, Deputy Grand Knight; Steve Muntzenberger, Chancellor; Joe Holmes, Financial Secretary; Peter Quinn; Warden; John Borek, Recorder; Antonio Zucco; Treasurer; Dave Jaques; three-year Trustee; Tom McGuire; two-year Trustee; Stanley Gutkowski; one-year Trustee; Brian Cinoski, Lecturer; Mike Diakun, Inside Guard; Joe Dombroski; Outside Guard. Father Philbert Takyi-Nketiah serves as the Council Chaplain and Francis Kennedy as the District Deputy. Pictured are: First row, from left: Antonio Zucco; Father Philbert Takyi-Nketiah; Francis Kennedy; Mark Rongone; Joe Dombroski; John Borek. Second row: Joe Holmes; Mike Diakun; Stanley Gutkowski; Tom McGuire; Peter Quinn; Steve Muntzenberger; Dave Jacques. Missing at time of photo: Mark Shade and Brian Cinoski.