Tuskes Homes plans 190 rental units in Wright Twp.

The Wright Twp. planning commission at its July meeting gave conditional approval to the preliminary/final land development plans for The Grove at Mountain Top.

The approval is contingent on the developer, One More Mountain Top Holdings, meeting all requirements outlined by the planning commission’s engineer and obtaining all outstanding permits.

The action by the planning commission essentially gives the developer, a subdivision of Tuskes Homes of Bethlehem, clearance to move forward with the project.

Tuskes plans to construct approximately 190 rental units on slightly less than 27 acres of land it purchased from Ecumenical Enterprises. The parcel begins at the northern boundary of HillCrest Estates off Church Road and continues north, parallel to Route 309. The wooded parcel, which contains a significant amount of wetlands, is zoned R-2, multi-family residential.

According to the original sketch plan submitted by the developer, the multi-family project will include eight buildings containing six townhouse type units each with a garage, and six apartment buildings with 24 units in each building. All the units will be rental units.

Tuskes Homes is the builder of homes and apartments at Sand Springs Golf Course.

Access to The Grove at Mountain Top will be from a driveway from Route 309 at a point just south of the existing Dollar General Store.

Wright Twp. officials are hoping a $145,000 community development block grant will help them move forward with the long-awaited park Road reconstruction project.

Supervisors announced the receipt of the grant from Luzerne County at this month’s meeting. They also approved an engineering agreement with Barry Isett & Associates totaling $29,000. The engineering work will include improvements to meet both Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requirements as well as state Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) regulations.

Township officials said the ADA work will be separated from the remainder of the project which will be rebid, hopefully next month.

Nearly two years ago DCED awarded a $685,984 multi-modal grant to the township for reconstruction of Park Road. The original project design included reconstruction of the road from Route 309 to South Main Road with new full-depth asphalt paving, installation of new ADA compliant walkways, and/or replacement of existing sidewalks, installation of a new stormwater system, a new water line under the road, and pavement markings.

However, when bids for the project were received in April, the lowest was nearly twice the amount of the grant. Supervisors voted to reject all the bids for the work on the recommendation of the project engineer, Barry Isett & Associates. The lowest bid received was $1,283,392.50 from Kobalt Construction, Inc.

Wright Twp. supervisors appointed road foreman Mark Smith to the township recreation board at this month’s meeting. They also voted to take on Grady Seltzer through a Carrer Link that will provide an employee at no cost to the township. Seltzer will work up to 20 hours a week assisting with park maintenance throughout the summer.

They also awarded an $8,380 contract to Ultracon for replacement of a fuel pump at the township fuel depot.

The parking lot at the Fairview Twp. municipal building is in line for a much-needed makeover.

Township supervisors have advertised for bids for bids for the work which will include excavation of the existing parking lot, driveway and concrete building entrance; installation of a new subbase, base course and asphalt wearing course; a new concrete entrance pad; lawn restoration; painting of parking spaces and ADA signage.

Bids will be received until 4 p.m. on Aug. 6 and opened at the 6:30 supervisors’ meeting that evening. Supervisors plan to use funds from the township’s American Rescue plan (ARPA) award for the project.

The Mountain Top community lost a dedicated public servant this week with the passing of Candace Smith.

Smith volunteered many years with the Mountain Top Hose Co. #1, for bazaars and other functions. She was a member of the Mountain Top Area Community Ambulance Association, where she become the association’s first woman president. She was also the first woman elected to the Wright Township board of supervisors, dedicating many years to the township.

CHS Class of 1970 Reunion Meeting

Dear Classmates:

The Crestwood High School class of 1970 is holding a class meeting at the Wright Twp. Rec Park pavilion on Sunday August 25, 2024 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

We will have to decide what time to eat, either 3:00 p.m. or 5:00 p.m.

We can choose from a Luncheon buffet or Dinner buffet. Dinner buffet is $10 more per person.

We already voted to have the 55th reunion at the Valley Country Club in Sugarloaf on Saturday, September 20, 2025.

The reunion chairpersons will be Vice President Gary Druby and Robin Reilly.

Thank you,

Rickey Hartley

570-443-9633 home

570-579-7522 cell
